Regulations governing the issuance of Non-Immigrant "B" Visa

Regulations governing the issuance of Non-Immigrant "B" Visa

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 ก.ย. 2562

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 พ.ย. 2565

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    I. Visa Issuance
         1.1 Foreigners who wish to work/conduct business or undertake investment activities in Thailand must apply for a Non-Immigrant Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies or Consulates abroad. (Information on location and contact numbers of the Thai Embassies and Consulates-General can be obtained through website categories of non-immigrant visa are currently provided to meet the need and qualification of individual business people. These include business visa (category B), business approved visa (category B-A) and investment and business visa (category IB). Visa fee is 500 Baht for single entry with three-month validity and 1,000 Baht for multiple entries with one-year validity.
          1.2 Passport holders of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Palestinian State, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Yemen, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Egypt have to apply for visa at the Thai Embassy or Consulate General where they have their permanent residence.

    II. Categories of Visa
         2.1 Non-Immigrant visa (category “B” – Business) can be obtained from all Thai Embassies and Consulates provided that the following relevant documents are submitted.

Foreigners who wish to work in Thailand
           - Visa application Form completely filled out
           - Applicant’s passport with validity not less than six months and its copy
           - Two 4x6 cm. full-faced, bareheaded photos taken within the past six months
           - Letter of acceptance from the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (Alien Occupational Control Division, Department of Employment, Mit-Maitree Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10400 Tel 662-245-2745 / 245-3209 / 617-6578 / 617-6584  Fax. 662-6176576, 245-2593)
             [ For those foreigners who wish to work in Thailand, their employer in Thailand should submit Form WP3 (Application for applying a work permit on behalf of alien) together with other related documents such as a certificate issued by the Department of Commercial Registration, documentary evidence of educational qualifications, etc. at the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.]
           - Official marriage and birth certificate (In case of the applicant’s family members)
           - Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family)
           - Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (only in case the applicant has previously worked in the Kingdom )

( Remarks  1. An alien who receive a non-immigrant visa can work in Thailand after having received a work permit. Any violation thereof shall make the employee liable for imprisonment not exceeding three months, to pay a fine not exceeding five-thousand Baht, or both penalties.
                2.      An alien who performs work that is prescribed by the Royal Decree B.E. 2522 (1979) which prohibits alien employment in certain occupations and professions is liable to be imprisoned not exceeding five years, will be fined from 2,000 to 10,000 Baht, or both penalties.)
Foreigners who wish to conduct business in Thailand
           - Visa application Form completely filled out
           - Applicant’s passport with validity not less than 6 months and its copy
           - Two 4x6 cm. full-faced, bareheaded photos taken within the past 6 months
           - Letter from the applicant’s company stating the objective of the visit to Thailand, his/her salary,etc.
           - Document showing correspondence with trading partners in Thailand.
           - Financial evidence in case that the applicant is doing his/her own business
           - Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family)
           - Letter of invitation from company in Thailand together with copy of corporate documents comprising of 1) list of shareholders 2) business registration and business license 3) company profile 4) details of business operation 5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions 6) map indicating the location of the company 7) Balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax  (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30) of the latest year 8) Alien income tax return (Por Ngor Dor 91) and 9) Value-added tax registration (Por Ngor Dor 20) , etc.
(Copies of company documents must be signed by Board of Directors or authorized managing director and affixed the seal of the company.)
           - Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only), or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only)
           - Official marriage and birth certificates (In case of the applicant’s family members)
Consular officers reserve the rights to ask for additional documents as deemed necessary.
In the absence of a required document, a letter indicating the unavailability of such document must be provided.
The applicant must sign on each page of the copy.
Documents in foreign languages must be translated in Thai. If translated into English, it should be notorized by notary organs or the applicant’s diplomatic/ consular mission.
The holders of this type of visa are entitled to stay in Thailand for a maximum period of 90 days. Upon completion of such period, an extension of stay for a period of one year counting from the date of arrival in the Kingdom can be applied for at the Office of the Immigration Bureau.
         2.2 Business approved visa (category “B-A”) may be applied for at the Embassies or Consulates abroad but approval shall be given by the Office of the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok before visa is issued to the qualified applicant. The company in which the applicant will invest or do business with can also apply for this type of visa at the Immigration Bureau. The validity of stay for B-A type visa is valid for a period of one year counting from the date of arrival in the Kingdom.

         2.3 Investment and business visa (category “IB”) is issued to foreign staff working under investment projects promoted by the Board of Investment of Thailand (BOT). The project must benefit the country in the following ways :
                   - Produce for export
                   - Increase employment
                   - Utilize indigenous raw materials
                   - Locate in provincial areas
                   - Encourage technology transfer to Thai nationals
                   - Not compete in such a way as to destroy existing domestic business

    III. Additional Information
       3.1 After entering the Kingdom, applicants or their assignee must go to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (Alien Occupational Control Division, Department of Employment) to apply for a work permit and shall pay the income tax accordingly. If the company’s applicant is located in other provinces, the applicant must apply at Labour Development Office in that province.
       3.2 Applicant’s family members, namely; spouse, parents and children who are unmarried and under 20 years old, are eligible to apply for Non-Immigrant Visa (category “O”) and will allow to stay from the period of 90 days up to 1 year.
       3.3 Foreigners entering the Kingdom under a Transit Visa (“TS”) or Tourist Visa (“TR”) wishing to engage in business activities may apply for a change to Non-Immigrant Visa at the Immigration Bureau Office located at Soi Suan Plu, off South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, Tel (662) 2873101-10 or at website htm. The extension of stay as well as the change of certain type of visa is at the discretion of the Immigration officer.

    IV. One Stop Service Center for Visas and Work Permits
           4.1 One Stop Service Center for Visas and Work Permits was established by the Regulations of the Office of Prime Minister which was promulgated on 30 June 1997 with objective to strengthen the procedure to promote good investment circumstances by providing for the one stop service to avoid delay and inconvenience to the foreigners in applying for stay permission in the Kingdom, re-entry permit and work permit. It has been opened since 1 July 1997 onwards and located on 207 Rachadapisek Road, Krisda Plaza, 3-5th Floors, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10310, Tel 662-693-9333-9 and Fax. 662-693-9340.
          4.2 Qualification of applicants for work permit at the One Stop Service Center for Visas and Work Permits are as follows :
                  4.2.1 The aliens who are executives or experts obtaining priviledges according to other laws as follows :
                               - Investment Promotion Act B.E. 2520 (1977)
                               - Petroleum Act B.E. 2514 (1971)
                               - Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act B.E. 2522 (1979)
               (Remarks : The aliens who work for theenterprises outside Bangkok can submit the application to One Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit)
                  4.2.2 The aliens who are general investors ;
                               - If investing not less than 2 million Baht, will be granted with 1 year approval.
                               - If investing not less than 10 million Baht, will be granted with two-year approval.
                               -The applicant must have the location of work or office in Bangkok only.
                  4.2.3 The aliens who are executives and experts ;
                               - To work at a company with the registered capital or total assets of not less than 30 millions Baht.
                               - The alien, who comes to work as the foreign press, shall submit a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a copy of ID Press Card issued by Department of Public Relations.
                               - The aliens who are Researchers and Developers on Science and Technology.
                               - The aliens who are the officials of Branch Office of Overseas Bank, Foreign Banking Office of Overseas Bank, Provincial Foreign Banking Office of Overseas Bank and the Representative Office of Foreign Bank which were certified by the Bank of Thailand.
                               - The aliens who work for the Branch of the  overseas enterprises.
                               - The aliens who work on the necessary and urgent basis for a period of not longer than 15 day (Tor.Thor. 11)