Legalisation of Labour Contracts

Legalisation of Labour Contracts

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Aug 2024

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Recruitment of Thai Workers (direct employment between the employer and the job seeker)

Under Ministry of Labour of Thailand’s Regulation 2005 (B.E. 2548), any Thai workers who will be working in the foreign countries must be registered with the Ministry as well as obtain the Ministry’s approval prior to their departures from Thailand.

With an aim to protect Thai workers’ rights and welfares, therefore, the foreign company that wishes to recruit Thai workers, is required to have the Labour Contract legalised (stamped) by the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate accredited to the country where the place of work is located (in case of Greece, Malta and Serbia, the Royal Thai Embassy in Athens is the authority). The said legalisation is considered as a decisive condition for the Ministry of Labour of Thailand’s approving process to allow any Thai workers to work abroad according to the Ministry’s Act.

1. Basic Requirements for the Employers

1.1 The employer must be a legal business body with its valid business registration according to the laws and regulations of Greece, Malta and Serbia. The said business registration shall also relate to the type of work which Thai worker will be employed.

1.2 The employer must already have the place of work and accommodation to provide to the worker.

2. Required Documents

2.1 Completed and signed legalisation form (Download the file below)

2.2 Original labour contract in English and local language, which has been legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Malta or Serbia in accordance with Greek, Maltese, or Serbian laws

2.3 An exact copy of the original labour contract (all pages)

2.4 The company's letter addressed to the Royal Thai Embassy in Athens, stating your request for the legalisation of the labour contract and related details

2.5 The company's business registration together with the official English translation

2.6 Photos of the workplace and the employee's accommodation

2.7 A copy of the Thai employee's passport and Thai ID card

2.8 A copy of the Thai employee's valid visa to Greece, Malta or Serbia

2.9 If the company authorises a representative, a lawyer or an intermidary to apply for legalisation services, an authorisation letter is required, along with a copy of the authorised person's passport and ID card

3. Fee  15 Euro for 1 legalisation stamp (If you send the documents by post, please transfer the money via Western Union)

4. Processing Time  5 business days (After the Embassy has received all the required documents)

5. The Authorisation of Thai Workers’ Departure from Thailand

Once the labour contract is legalised by the Embassy, it must be sent to the worker in Thailand who will submit it together with other required documents to the Ministry of Labour of Thailand for his/her departure’s approval. (see for more information)

For more information and appointments, please contact the Royal Thai Embassy in Athens at [email protected] or (30) 210 6710 155 in advance. 


- The Embassy reserves the rights to request more documents if deemed necessary, and will not proceed until complete documents are submitted.

- According to the Thai labour laws, the foreign employer should recruit Thai workers through the services of Ministry of Labour itself or licensed recruitment companies or direct contact with the job seeker in Thailand. Recruitment of workers through an individual person or unauthorised broker is illegal.

- The Royal Thai Embassy has no policy to support or cooperate with any employers who have shown unfair treatments to the Thai workers, such as abusing of labour contract or deterioration of working conditions, etc. The employer has to be responsible to any legal charges under the Greek, Maltese, Serbian as well as Thai laws due to those unfair treatments done to the Thai workers.

- It is the applicant's sole responsibilty to send and arrange for the delivery of the documents by post. The Royal Thai Embassy is not responsible for the tracking, delivery and damage/loss of the documents sent by post. 

